
How We Can Help!

Whether you’re an existing business in Normandy or planning to relocate or start a new business in town, the City is here to help you. The information provided on the City’s website should get you on the right track.

For more information, call 314-385-3300.

Existing Businesses

Interior Improvements

If you plan to make physical improvements to the inside of your existing business (i.e. add partition walls, restrooms, electrical connection, etc), you may need to secure a permit first. Contact the Building Division at 314-385-3300 to determine if a permit is required. Depending on the extent of the proposed improvements, approvals from outside agencies such as the Northeast Fire Protection District or St. Louis County may also be required.

Exterior Improvements

If you plan to make physical improvements to the outside of your existing business, you may need to secure design review approval and/or permits first. Contact the Planning Division for the level of design review that may be required.

Depending on the extent of the proposed changes, one of the following levels of design review will apply:

  • Administrative Staff review (very minor alterations only)
  • Architectural Review Board Subcommittee review (minor alterations)
  • Architectural Review Board review (major alterations)

Also contact the Building Division to determine if a Building Permit is required for the exterior improvements.


Business Identification Signs

If you want to replace existing business signs with new signs, a Sign Copy Change Permit (PDF) is required by City Hall. This applies if the existing signs were legally installed with permits and the new signs comply with the City’s Sign Code (PDF), the Sign Copy Change Permit can be issued over the counter.

Promotional Signs

Banners are typically prohibited signs in Normandy, except that banners may be permitted at the opening of a new business or for promotional events with prior approval of a Banner Permit from City Hall. Banners may only be approved for a total period not exceeding 30 days if the business is new and does not have an existing business identification sign; or not to exceed 10 days within any 90-day period for temporary promotional events. Banners cannot exceed twice the allowable sign area for building attached signs permitted for the business frontage.

Other prohibited signs include:

  • Balloons or other gas-filled figures
  • Posters attached to utility poles, trees, fences, etc.
  • Portable signs such as sandwich boards or A-frame signs except:
  • Temporary real estate open house signs
  • Flags (other than those of the United States of America and the State of Missouri)